Study in Azerbaijan

Study in Azerbaijan: for International Students

The meeting ground between Europe and the Middle East, Azerbaijan is sandwiched between Russia to the north and Iran to the south. It also borders Georgia to the north-west, Armenia to the west and the Caspian Sea to the east. The smaller Nakhchivan Exclave is nestled between Armenia, Iran and Turkey. Azerbaijan is politically allied…

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Scholarships in Italy 2023

Scholarships in Italy All international students in Italy have the same opportunities as Italian students who are entitled to financial aid. There are national and regional government scholarships available for international students to apply. In addition, some Italian universities offer scholarship opportunities in Italy for international students. Scholarships Provided by the Italian State The Italian…

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Radboud Scholarship Programme

Radboud Scholarship Programme

The Radboud Scholarship Programme is a very selective scholarship programme. It offers talented, highly motivated, non-EEA students with outstanding study results the opportunity to be awarded a scholarship for a complete English-taught Radboud University Master’s degree programme. Each year, a number of partial scholarships are awarded within the Radboud Scholarship Programme for the duration of…

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Italy scholarships for Pakistani students

Italy has a few of the world’s oldest universities with 10th and 12th century’s established universities. Italy has maintained its education quality to optimum level till date by progressing with pacing time and including latest and modern academic breakthroughs in its education system. Italian Universities are still among world’s best higher education institutions because consistency,…

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