Why Study in USA?

The USA is the most popular destination among students in Pakistan seeking to study abroad for several reasons. The academic excellence and holistic exposure available at US universities and the short-term and long-term career advantages once you invest in a US degree are the main reasons students choose the USA above other countries. In addition, the global focus of a US degree, availability of financial assistance, opportunities for research and the flexibility of grad and undergrad education in the USA are also important reasons students choose the USA for their further studies.

More than 4000 institutions offer undergraduate, master and doctorate degrees in many different specializations. The USA education system has strong academic & social environment which fosters academic, professional and personal development of individuals. USA, the country which has experimented with democracy for more than 200 years is strong economically as well as culturally today with the base being the immigrants.

The United States has more institutions of higher education than any other country, but despite the numbers it is the quality of education provided by these academic bodies which is acknowledged worldwide. The teaching forces of these institutions are leading authorities in their respective fields. The quality of the research program along with the resources available and the faculty ensures that the institutions have high standards.

Academic Flexibility:

The USA education system is flexible in terms of choice of courses within a college or university. During the course of study, a student can transfer from one course/stream to another or one institution to another. This aspect of the USA education system makes it distinct from other countries. You can now specialize in the area of your choice without having to take any unnecessary classes. You also have the flexibility to choose a class at any time during the academic year, since the some courses are offered multiple times during the academic year. The quarterly or semester system gives you the flexibility to complete your academic program at your own pace and take additional time on a research project if required. For instance, if you can complete the total number of courses required for you to graduate, you can finish up your master’s degree within a year. You can also spread out your course completion schedule in such a manner as to devote more time for research and complete your course in a couple of years.


International students from all over the world choose to study in the USA because an American education is the best preparation for their future. It becomes all the more within your means with financial aid, scholarships and assistant ships on hand. At the same time students are allowed to work 20 hr/week during their course and 40 hr/week during vacation which helps them to earn and learn.

Your 5 steps to Study in USA

  1. Research Your Options
  • Define Your priorities
  • Familiarize yourself with U.S. degrees
  • Learn about thousands of accredited U.S institute
  1. Finance your studies
  • Develop a budget
  • Find ways to reduce educational Cost
  • Search for scholarships and other financial aid
  1. Complete your application
  • Manage the application timeline/-or deadline
  • Tackle application requirements
  • Write personal essay
  1. Apply for your student visa
  • Understand which forms are needed
  • Outline the visa application process
  • Feel prepared for your interview
  1. Prepare for your departure
  • Know what to expect when you arrive
  • Ease into your new academic environment
  • Adjust well to U.S culture and your new community